Mental Health- Smoking, PTSD & Merging Clinics

Smoking Worsens PTSD Symptoms, say doctors found that at least 50 percent of those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder smoke, and many others become dependant on alocohol or drugs. The article also discussed how although people think that cigarettes help during a flashback, in the long run, they increase their symptoms. Cigarettes temporarily enhance attention, so when those with PTSD smoke, doctors say they may actually become more focused on their trauma.

The larger issue that this article brought up was the merging of health care systems. Most clinics are too specialized, treating only mental health or substance abuse. In most cases, the two are entwined, and seperate treatment is harder on the individuals, resulting in less success.

But, the NY health care system is catching on. “The New York State Health Foundation is providing a $3.2 million grant over four years to establish a statewide Center of Excellence for the Integration of Care, which will train workers in the state’s 1,223 licensed mental-health and substance-abuse clinics to identify and treat patients with both types of conditions,” stated a recent article.  “Dual diagnosis” = a better chance of  “dual recovery.”

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